page speed fix

Page Speed Optimization

A faster-loading website improves user satisfaction, reduces bounce rates, boosts SEO, and enhances conversion rates, contributing to increased visibility and competitiveness in the digital landscape.

page speed fix

Boost your Page Speed Loading and rank higher

Page speed loading is a critical factor in search engine ranking algorithms, influencing your website’s visibility and organic traffic.

fix website speed load

Don't let slow-loading pages hold your website back

In a competitive online environment, a fast website can set you apart from competitors and attract more visitors and customers.

Pricing Plans

Improve your Website’s Core Web Vitals and boost its performance.


Score: 80+ for Desktop and 70+ for mobile

$ 25
One-Time Payment
  • Improve Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • Improve Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • Improve First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  • Improve First Input Delay (FID)
  • Optimizing and compressing images
  • Quick loading


Score: 90+ for Desktop and 80+ for mobile

$ 50
One-Time Payment
  • Everything on Basic Plan
  • Image Resizing and optimization
  • Minimizing total requests
  • Caching and browser caching


Score: 95+ for Desktop and 90+ for mobile

$ 75
One-Time Payment
  • Everything on Pro Plan
  • Full Fix (LCP,CLS,FCP & FID)
  • Minifying CSS, JavaScript and HTML
  • GZIP compression
  • Render-Blocking JavaScript
  • CDN integration
  • Priority Support 24/7

Explore Our Services

These services require a meticulous approach that involves detailed audits using multiple tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, Google Lighthouse, Ahrefs, and GTmetrix.

Code Optimization

The service involves a thorough analysis and optimization of website code. This includes minimizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, eliminating unnecessary code, and ensuring efficient script execution. Optimizing code contributes to faster loading times and a more streamlined user experience.

Image Compression and Optimization

Large image files can significantly slow down page loading. Page speed optimization includes the compression and optimization of images without compromising quality. This ensures that visuals are delivered efficiently, enhancing both speed and user experience.

Browser Caching Implementation

Caching allows browsers to store static files locally, reducing the need to download them on subsequent visits. Page speed optimization services often include the implementation of browser caching strategies, enabling faster loading for returning visitors.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration

CDNs distribute website content across servers worldwide, ensuring that users can access data from a server geographically closer to them. Integrating a CDN is a key page speed optimization service that reduces latency and accelerates content delivery.

Server Response Time Improvement

Slow server response times can contribute to delayed page loading. Page speed optimization services may involve evaluating and improving server configurations, optimizing database queries, and addressing any server-related issues to enhance response times.

Minification of CSS and JavaScript

Minification involves removing unnecessary characters and spaces from CSS and JavaScript files. This reduces file sizes and improves loading speed. Page speed optimization services focus on minifying these files to enhance website performance.

Lazy Loading Implementation​

Lazy loading is a technique where images and other non-essential elements are loaded only when they come into the user’s viewport. This approach reduces initial page load times and enhances perceived performance. Page speed optimization services often implement lazy loading for various page elements.​

Responsive Design Optimization

With the increasing use of mobile devices, ensuring a website’s responsiveness is crucial for page speed. Optimization services include reviewing and enhancing the responsiveness of the site, ensuring fast loading on various devices.​

Elimination of Render-Blocking Resources​

Render-blocking resources, such as certain scripts and stylesheets, can delay page rendering. Page speed optimization services identify and address these issues, optimizing the loading sequence for a faster rendering process.

Accessible through all devices

With the rise of mobile browsing, optimizing page speed is essential for providing a seamless experience across all devices and screen sizes.

fix page speed load

Frequently Asked Questions

In this FAQ, we’ve answered 5 of the most commonly asked questions about SEO services.

What do you need to get started?
First and foremost, URL of your website.

For an developer to access your website, you will need to install a access plugin.

Access plugin

Rest assured, we can enhance the speed of your website without compromising its design or functionality. Our expert team will carefully execute any changes to ensure a seamless user experience.

The timeline for delivering results varies based on the complexity of your site and identified issues. We strive to ensure efficient turnaround time and try our best to finish within one single day!

PageInsight audit is immediate after the order is done.

You can check your website’s current page speed using tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, or Pingdom. These tools provide insights into your website’s performance on both mobile and desktop devices.

We prioritize optimizations based on their potential impact on page speed and the overall user experience. This often includes addressing any critical issues identified in page speed analysis tools, such as large, unoptimized images or render-blocking JavaScript and CSS, as these can offer the most immediate improvements.

Absolutely! We are here for any other questions/help/advice.